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ZuPreem Exotic Feline Diet Canned is formulated to be a nutritionally complete diet designed as the sole diet for carnivores such as non-domestic canines, hyenas, and exotic felines, such as servals, bobcats, lynx, cougars and caracals.

Important Information: ZuPreem® Exotic Feline Diet Canned is energy dense. Most adult carnivores should eat approximately one can of ZuPreem® Exotic Feline Diet Canned per 30 lbs. of body weight. Feeding the proper quantity helps the individual animal achieve optimum body mass without thinness or obesity. Growing or lactating animals should be fed free choice. Replace with fresh canned diet if food becomes dried out.

Cover and refrigerate unused canned food for up to five days. If refrigerated, return the diet to room temperature prior to feeding. If the food has become dry during refrigeration, moisten the food with warm water and mix thoroughly to return the food to its original consistency before feeding.

Animals can be converted to ZuPreem Exotic Feline Diet Canned by replacing 10% of the current diet with the ZuPreem diet. Over a period of 10 days, increase the percent of ZuPreem Exotic Feline Diet Canned by 10% each day until 100% of the diet is ZuPreem Exotic Feline Diet Canned. Care should be taken to ensure the animal is consuming food during this conversion process. If the animal refuses to eat for two consecutive meals during this process, return to the original diet for a period of three days and begin the process again. An exotic carnivore should not be starved to force it to convert to a new diet. Success with reluctant feeders has been experienced by slightly heating the diet. Mix the heated diet thoroughly to make sure there are no hot spots before feeding.The temperature of the diet should be raised only slightly to avoid oral trauma and harming the animal.

  • Manufactured by: ZUPREEM

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S&S Exotic Animals